

Quick Links Check Order Status Contact Us Custom Sourcing


  • Product data for pricing, descriptions, 24 Hour Service, colors and shipping information.
  • Imprint thumbnails.
  • PDF Art Formats for each product.
  • Product Images in a variety of resolutions with and without imprints.

View Product Data


Easy order status 24-7! Check order status and view order history online!

  • 24 hour and 3 day rush services
  • For additional information, please call customer service at 516-377-8370 or 800-526-3437

Check Order Status


  • A representation of the final imprinted product so you can view on your computer or mobile device.
  • Your Virtual Computer Artist at NC Custom will create an image of your proposed imprinted product, proudly displaying your client’s logo!
  • Use Virtual Samples in your proposals and quotes.
  • Themed backgrounds are available to match your customer’s industry.

Order by sending an email to virtuals@lancopromo.com for Lanco products or
virtual@artworkservicesusa.com for Chocolate Inn products with your logo and client’s logo attached.
Please include the item number, item color and imprint color.


  • Email an attractive flyer containing a small group of products for your customer to select from.
  • Prevent selection overload by offering only your suggested products.
  • Make it easy for your customer to select the item they want from you!
  • Visual aids and product info in a “Right Now” email format.

Send an email to virtualflyers@lancopromo.com for Lanco products or
virtual@artworkservicesusa.com for Chocolate Inn products with your logo and client’s logo attached.
Please provide the item numbers, item colors and imprint color.


Customer service is our top priority and we guarantee it! We will respond to your email or phone inquiry within two hours* or we all provide you with a free mold/setup coupon!

*During normal business hours of operation, 9:00am – 5:30pm EST

See our Customer Service Flyer for more details!
Customer Service_Flyer

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